Additional Information
The RESOLUTION FILM in combination with the EXPOSURE TEST FILM is ideal for quickly finding the appropriate exposure range for a given screen making process. The neutral density filters on the EXPOSURE TEST FILM allow the user to perform 1 overall exposure, resulting in 10 areas with varying degrees of exposure. The resulting exposures represent 10%, 20%, 30% 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100% of the initial test exposure. The user simply evaluates the 10 areas to determine the correct exposure, which is typically a compromise between best resolution and full exposure or full resistance.
The exposure test with the EXPOSURE & RESOLUTION FILM together also provides a realistic evaluation of appropriate reproducible resolution at various exposure duration. Each KIWO ExpoCheck contains 3 separate RESOLUTION FILMS with varying line thicknesses and halftone screen for use with:
- Fine Mesh Counts
- Medium Mesh Counts
- Coarse Mesh Count
These three levels of resolution provide the user with an appropriate test pattern for their production demands.
For example, if you are setting exposure times for an 85 line halftone image on a 355 mesh,use of the "FINE" resolution film provides accurate resolution information. With applications using coarser mesh counts, the "MEDIUM" or "COARSE" target would be evaluated.
The EXPOSURE FILM by itself can also be used to pin-point the optimal exposure time even further. It acn be used to manually vary the exposure to test and evaluate exposure times in the range found with the EXPOSURE FILM & RESOLUTION FILM together.
For example, if the exposure time determined with the EXPOSURE FILM & RESOLUTION FILM was 100 seconds, the optimal exposure time is likely to be slightly above or below that time. The KIWO EXPOSURE STEP WEDGE would then be used to pin-point the optimal exposure using equal intervals between for example 90 and 110 seconds.