If you've ever been frustrated by hoop burn on your beautiful embroidery projects, this video will show you how to fix it. Hoop burn, the ugly smudges that form when the hoops rub against each other, can be a real buzzkill. But don't worry, we have some great tips to help you avoid and fix this common problem.
Hoop Tension: Getting the right balance of tension when hooping your fabric is one of the most important things you can do to avoid hoop burn. Learn how to find the right balance between being tight and being flexible to avoid hoop burn.
Getting rid of Hoop Burn: Don't worry if you already have hoop burn. Find out how to get rid of those shiny marks, such as by using steam, water, a gentle wash, or a lint brush.
Masking Fabric: We use the term "masking fabric" for fabrics that can't be washed or that are very sensitive. Learn how to use a plastic placemat to make a simple masking fabric to protect things like leather, suede, silk, and more.
Magnetic Hoops: Find out how Mighty Hoops' magnetic hoops can make hooping easier and reduce hoop burn. Keep in mind that these are mostly for industrial and semi-industrial embroidery machines.
Floating Fabric: Learn how to "float" your fabric when it's too small to put in a regular hoop. With this method, you put the stabilizer in a hoop and pin or tape the fabric on top.
All with the help from one of our RB Digital partners, @EmbroideryLegacy.