Additional Information
Color: Green
VOCs: none
Storage at room temperature 68-75°F (20 - 25ºC) : 2 years in original container
Air dries, so keep the cap on.
Disposal: Extra Heavy Blockout No. 10 is biodegradable and can be emptied down drains safely.
Flash point: not applicable - no solvents
- For direct emulsion and CDF® Direct-Film stencils: Pour a small amount of Extra Heavy Blockout No. 10 onto the open border area of the fully processed and dried stencil on the substrate side of the screen. Scrape it evenly into the fabric, using a piece of cardboard or plastic. Use the scraper to smooth and thin the layer to promote quick drying.
- For Indirect System stencils: For best register and a strong “knit” between stencil and blockout, apply the Extra Heavy Blockout No. 10, as above, when the screen fabric is dry, but before the film is completely dry. Apply the blockout to the substrate side of the screen, going over the edges of the backing sheet. Let the stencil and Extra Heavy Blockout No. 10 dry completely before printing.
- For touchups: Thin No. 10 with cold water and touch up as needed.
- To remove: After ink removal, but before stencil removal, rinse with water.