Additional Information
Excellent for 100% cotton, blends, and Polyester (with Under Base Blocker)
Is “PVC Free” and environmentally safe
Can be printed wet-on-wet
Special Recommendations:
Kombat Black should be mixed in clean vessels using clean mixing blades and utensils. Any contamination from other ink sources or non-approved additives could make Kombat Black test positive for restricted PVC’s.
Use Fixer WF-N 1-3% to help with wash fastness
Use Fixer L 1-3% with low curing fabrics or electric dryers
Use Thickener B .25-1% to help thicken the ink
Use RV Additive 1-3% to reduce viscosity
- Shake ink gently or stir before use to avoid ink separation
- Store by closing the container
- Do not inhale or ingest
- Avoid flame, sparks, static electricity, and other ignition sources
- Dispose in a safe manner in accordance with local/national regulations
- View MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for additional information
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